Managing product variants

The following guide illustrates product variant management flows using Bootic’s official Ruby API client.

1. Configure the client.

Read how to configure the Ruby client library to get the library ready.

2. Instantiate the client

The following creates a Bootic client instance for server-to-server scripts.

client = BooticClient.client(:client_credentials, scope: 'admin')

3. Load the root resource.

root = client.root

The root resource includes information on your current scope and the shops you own. From there you can navigate to other resources and take actions such as creating, updating or deleting products and their variants.

Use case: create a variant for a known product.

Assumming that you already have the following product data:

  "id": 1234,
  "slug": "iphone-5",
  "price": 1200

Create variant

Let’s create a variant for that product. For that we use the create_variant link present in your shop:

# Grab the first shop you own
shop = root.shops[0]
# Create a variant for product 'iphone-5'
if shop.can?(:create_variant)
  variant = shop.create_variant(product_id: 1234,
    title: 'Black case',
    stock: 111,
    sku: 'iph5-blk',
    available_if_no_stock: false

  # success?
  if variant.errors
    puts "There was an error! - #{variant.errors.first.messages}"
    puts "Variant ##{} created!"

Documentation for create_variant.

Update variant

We can use the shop’s update_variant link to update an existing variant. For example, here we update the stock count for a variant of ID “3”.

if shop.can?(:update_variant)
  variant = shop.update_variant(id: 3,
    stock: 4
  if variant.errors)
    puts "There was an error! - #{variant.errors.first.messages}"
    puts "Variant ##{} updated!"

Documentation for update_variant.

Delete variant

if shop.can?(:delete_variant)
  shop.delete_variant(id: 3)

Documentation for delete_variant.